
And the winner is...

Every second year, Kamoi calls for entries in "mt Design Contests". From all parts of the world, talented designers send their designs to Japan. So it happend in 2016 for the third time. Now in spring of 2017, during "mt Factory Tour Vol.6", the winners were announced and honnered:


      photo: Mr. Yukio Taniguchi, senior managing director and head of mt project (2 f.l.) and Koji Iyama, Designer Iyamdesign (3 f.l.),
       in the midst of the winners: Maki Yagawa (top row 2 f.r.), Nodoka Yamaura (top row r.), Hiroyuki Nakatani (l),
Runi Taema (center), Migo Li (2.f.r.), mother per pro. Masashi Okamoto (r.)



Big surprise was the only 5 year old winner Runi Taema. He won the Grand Prix with his design. Koji Iyama, member of the jury and star designer at mt masking tape: "First we have a look at all designs without knowing who they come from. As soon as I saw Runis design, I felt that this was something special. I could instantly imagine, how it would look like on mt masking tape. It was the right design, it had that certain something. It could have been the design from an adult, of course. And so I was realy surprised and very pleased, that it was indeed a childs design."


Mr. Yukio Taniguchi presents Runi the award:




Two talents. The small Runi and his shining example Koji Iyama, star-designer of mt masking tape together, shortly after the awards ceremony. Runis design is already taped on Kamois museum wall:




Overview Winners:



Runi Taema (5 Jahre, Tokyo)


Nijiiro Party (Rainbow Party), 30 mm



Outstanding Performance Awards

Masahi Okamoto (Okayama)


Marbling, 20 mm


Ink, 20 mm



Hiroyuki Nakatani (Okayama)

 Can you see?, 30 mm


Reiko Sakamaki (Tokyo)

string ° m o m o , 30 mm



Jury's Special Award by Designer Koji Iyama (Iyamadesign)

Nodoka Yamaura (Tokyo)

L i g h t w a v e, 14 mm



Jury's Special Award by Designer Akira Minagawa (minä perhonen)


Maki Yagawa (Kanagawa)

Masking tape to be sealed by animals, 30mm



Jury's Special Award by Yukio Taniguchi (Kamoi, mt masking tape)


Migo Li (Taiwan)


View-blue, 15 mm


View-red, 15 mm





The next mt Design Contest - Nr. 4 - is going to be held in 2018 . 










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